“Silent in my sanity
I live save inside my cell
In the darkness that surrounds me
I see my own special hell
Comfort in my suffering
Feeling warm inside this pain
Before I was coming down on me
I come on down again”

My Little Box - from the movie Ghost Ship
J. Frizzell, G. Mann & M. Liberman
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0288477/ I'm not big on horror films because with my messed up brain, I can conjure up all the horror I need to on any given night within my head. However, I couldn't avoid the film Ghost Ship. It was just too kitschy to not be tempting. I just like it, it's so bad it's good. It has every horror cliché ever. I highly recommend it for a night of rolling your eyes and saying “oh, come on!”

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