Hey! Guess who just figured out how to add stuff to the blocks on her blog? Granted, it's a good thing that social networking sites provide the correct code to do such things because it would probably take me weeks on my own to figure out the code to do it myself. Although, I did mess with the code a bit to get one of the things to look the way I wanted it to. You'll note that I now have a Twitter feed and link to the right of the page. Now my oh-so-brilliant (read with sarcasm) Tweets will be updated on my blog.

Also new is a link to a site called Change.org (www.change.org). Now before someone gets all up in arms and points out that it's impossible to support all causes and some of them are pretty flaky (I'm talkin' to you Dad), there are a couple of reasons that I included this.

First, some of the causes I am interested in supporting and am happy to sign my name to a petition. I was led to the site after reading a blog article Tweeted by Phil Plait that discussed a t-shirt being advertised at JC Penny that reads “I'm too pretty to do homework, so my brother has to do it for me”, (http://skepchick.org/2011/08/too-pretty-to-do-homework). Yeah, I know, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit too. Check out the link for discussions, etc. As it turns out, there was enough attention from various social postings that JC Penny has pulled the shirt from their site. You can't change the whole world all at once but you can make your corner of it just a little bit better...sometimes. I am a bit worried about the unintended consequences of this one, I mean, all those t-shirts have to go somewhere. I'll probably have a couple of days of restless nights imagining America's homeless children wearing these horrible things.

This leads to my second reason, it's great that people can get together in much larger groups than they ever have been able to in the past. Consumers, lobby groups, charities and activists are gaining greater power than ever before because people with similar interests can connect. Social networking is much like fire. It can lead to great good or great evil so you have to be careful about it.

With that, I am also on Facebook again. Gah. Mostly I'm just there to connect people to my blog. I still feel really anxious about the whole thing but I'm also wanting a little more connection in my life of late. I've spent a lot of years hiding from the world.

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