It just snowed all day (again) and even a 20 minute run seemed daunting:

However, after dinner, I was reading my latest issue of Canadian Running and there was an article about all the MP's that are runners. It was a well done non-partisan take about the runners on The Hill but all I could think after I finished reading was “if that asshole Stockwell Day can never miss a run then I sure as hell can get out tonight.” It may not have been the healthiest motivation but when I can see my breath in May I'll take any motivation I can get. I bought these running tights at Old Navy the other day and as horrible as The Swimsuit looks, these things are on the opposite end of the scale. I look slim, fit and as an added bonus I think that I got them for about $10. Considering how much running gear often costs, these things are a bargain all around because they're also comfortable. It's nice to not always feel like a big, dumpy pile of crap.

Am I ever glad I did my running around to the grocery store yesterday because I had no desire to go out today. I made a quick pudding and sauce thing from a box, grilled some fish, made some tasty squished potatoes in the oven and threw together a quick salad. It only took me about an hour and was about a thousand times better than anything I would have microwaved from the freezer. This food and cooking thing is really helpful for my diet. I find that I'm losing weight with much more ease because I stay fuller, longer. Not to mention the extra activity associated with cooking.

Now if only the weather would cooperate. Are we doomed to another crappy spring followed by a mediocre summer?

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