I'm feeling good about my workout today. It was a brick workout comprised of a 200 meter swim and a 20 minute run:


However, owing to how much I enjoyed my short ride yesterday I decided to ride to the pool today. It's less than a ten minute ride so it makes sense to go by bike rather than vehicle. I rode to the pool, swam my 200 meters, rode home and then immediately did my 20 minute run. Although not the proper lengths of the tri I've signed up for, it was a good chance to see how doing all three events would feel. Obviously, I didn't do proper transitions today. That too will be something that I have to work on as the weeks go by. A note about riding my bike. I think I'll try to get onto the paths as much as possible when I can swing it because the roads are so dangerous. Nobody seems to realize that a bike is governed by the same laws as motor vehicles and that there are designated roads where bikes are allowed to ride. Forget hand signals, I doubt the majority of the people in this city know what they mean. Judging from what I've read in my cycling magazine, these hazardous cycling conditions are typical in almost every major city in North America. It's no wonder that there's a movement of cyclists who advocate breaking the rules. It's frustrating although it does add a nice touch of adrenaline to the ride.

My third swim of the week went well and I can already feel improvement. I found a cheap, new swimsuit for the interim and have stopped worrying about how bad I look. After all, I'm also wearing a swim cap and goggles so there's a whole lot of funny-looking going on.

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