Some people are drawn to what could be; some to the optimism of a better future and some to an advanced technology not yet seen. Then there are the people like me; the history people who are much more comfortable dressed in a different time. The classic example of this is the SCA but as much as I like a good Elizabethan dress I'm much more comfortable in a May West and battered forage cap.

But aside from re-enacting the past, I also spend a lot of time recording my own personal history. I've mentioned in posts before that I have a journalling fetish. I think that the journalling all ties in to my love of history. I've been working on this personal history a lot lately and it occurs to me that there's a reason that history is a very subjective thing. The “truth” isn't black and white and how we see ourselves and how we present ourselves is often varied depending on the situation. I've been steadily noticing these variations in the records I've been working on of late.

After being told by the doctor to “take it easy” I started scrapbooking again. I've discovered that dollar stores are a great source of scrapbooking materials and that the hobby has really come down in price in recent years. I'm finally making myself a wedding scrapbook (I made about four for various family members after the wedding but never one for us). Scrapbooks are happy things. While working on the wedding scrapbook I've tried to think about it without unpacking 10 years of baggage. It's turning out nicely but if a historian or archaeologist only ever found that as a record of my life, they would assume that I lived in perfect happiness.

This blog is another part of my history that is incomplete. As I've said before, there's nothing that I would consider as THAT personal. I'm well aware (unlike certain provincial Tories) that what goes on the internet, stays on the internet. I don't even really care if anybody reads this thing, it's just a nice way to keep organized my “I ate toast, it was crunchy” journal. I also like it as a place to post photos.

I have two pregnancy memory books that I have been religiously keeping up in an effort to tell a real story of pregnancy. These are more personal than my blog but not so much so that I wouldn't share them with friends.

Even this computer and all the things on its memory doesn't give the total picture because my most personal journal is still kept old-school, hand-written in a notebook. For someone to really see who I was they'd need those many volumes added to all of the above.

In any case, the point is not that I hope any of this history will be studiously reviewed but anyone in the distant (or not-so-distant) future. I keep it for my own purposes. I like to look back on my own history and see if I've actually accomplished anything or even learned anything. Aside from that, it's fun. Don't ask me why, it just is.

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