I've noticed that people feel the need to comment on my Mustang of late. Usually, it's along the lines of “so, I guess you'll be getting rid of that thing now.”

Um...no...actually. Apparently I'm being mistaken for a 20-year-old working a minimum wage job who just knocked up his girlfriend and is now looking forward to a shotgun wedding.

Let me clear a few things up. The Mustang was the first baby. I love that car. After four months of not driving it over the winter I fell in love with it all over again. Not to mention, I own another car. I don't mean that Evil Scientist has his own vehicle, I mean that I, personally, have a second vehicle. So everybody stop ruining the one fun thing that I can still do without feeling fat and awkward.

It's surprising that nothing in the million and one baby books, magazines and websites I've researched have mentioned this important topic. I mean, there's nothing about using your pregnancy to talk your way out of speeding tickets or handy tips on finding a child seat that won't muck up the car with stupid, little, happy animals and pastel colours. In fact the only car related articles (other than seatbelt safety) have been about this idiotic flag or sticker you can buy to announce that the person driving the car is an “expectant mommy”. Barf.

At any rate, the Mustang will not be going anywhere.

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