Blah,blah...sustainability...blah, blah...corporate responsibility. I need a study break so it's time to blog. Eventually, all baby-related posts will move to the baby blog, to be named later (the blog and the baby). For now, this will just be another boring topic on this blog. I keep hearing a lot about the “miracle of birth”. It's a wonder of nature, I'll give it that (keeping in mind that volcanos, earthquakes and tornados are all kind of wondrous too). But miracle? It would be miraculous if there were never any miscarriages, birth defects or complications. Actually, forget all that stuff, how about painless birth that doesn't include defecating, vomiting, exhausting hours? Now, that would be miraculous.

Humans (being humans) unfortunately have these big brains that cause us to think too much about things that really don't need the thought (blogging would be a great example of this). Suddenly “I'm growing a person” has to become some kind of “religious miracle” to cope with the weirdness. Because, when you think about it, it is pretty weird. I had this moment of clarity this week when I realized that I currently have two hearts beating at different rates inside my body. Instead of being amazed at this “miracle” I felt more like I was in science fiction novel (preferably one of the kinky ones written by John Varley).

Pregnancy is an experience both good and bad. Not dieting is a nice change but not skiing because I'm knackered after three runs is a bit of a drag. The hormones, the skin changes, a myriad of other things I never would have guessed. I wouldn't call any of that miraculous, interesting, but not miraculous.

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