I seriously considered taking a few lessons while on my ski trip but in the end I just watched experienced skiers from the lifts or followed them down the slopes and did what they did. Plus, I think I developed a little teaching technique of my own: 1) After first few runs of the days, stop at Temple Lodge.

2) Purchase (get slightly depressed you don't get IDed) a pint of Guiness.

3) Attempt same runs again.

4) Realize that skiing has greatly improved, stop at Lodge again, repeat step 2.

5) Keep skiing same runs, getting more confident all the time.

6) After finishing moguls with total competence, get over-confident on straight path.

7) Attempt minor jump.

8) Mess up landing.

9) Dig self out of four feet of snow, skis still attached.

10) Slither back onto groomed run.

11) After gallant struggle to right self, plant ski vertically and kick binding to release.

12) Smile meekly at Ski Patrol as they go by and wonder where the hell they were 10 minutes ago.

That about covers it. I expect that the Canadian Team will be adopting this method very soon.

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