Well, it’s back again. To the credit of the malls around the downtown core, they waited until after Remembrance Day to really start dressing the place up. The cool thing about my job is that when we work at night, we go walking through the +15 to the malls and do our window shopping at 0300 hrs. It has its drawbacks. For instance, Eaton Centre has these mannequins on hanging platforms in the open space and their heads turn. Not a slow, animatronic, side-to-side movement either. Oh no, these things are totally still and then they just quickly turn and look at you. The first time we wandered by them we resolved more sleep and less coffee.

It’s way too early to start with the holiday thing but at this point I enjoy it. I can still be excited by the lights and the decorations. My first eggnog latte from Starbucks always makes me giddy and I wait in anticipation to see what kind of design Tim Horton’s has on their paper mugs. This year, the Timmy mugs have kids tobogganing on them…in helmets.


Sorry, I had to get that off my chest before I went on. Anyway, I can still enjoy the holidays at this time of year. It won’t last for long. By New Year’s Eve, I will be tired, depressed and probably sick. Nothing will have gone right, I’ll be completely disappointed with every gift I’ve bought knowing that I could have done better. I won’t do half the baking I anticipated, our annual holiday party will be planned in a rush because of my scheduling and my Christmas Day will be spent alone at work.

So for now, I’m going to enjoy it. Then, after all is said and done, I’ll go skiing in January and forget the whole mess.

Skiing without a helmet, I might add.

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